Saturday, December 27, 2008

Obtaining Permission From ViiKii

I think we have to rethink our strategy for obtaining permission for releasing E-Sub softsubs.
There are many contributors on a rotating basis, so it would be extremely difficult to contact all of them for each segment as they're released on ViiKii.
It might be best, and simpler, to obtain permission from the site administrator and maybe the manager for the SL episodes. We already have permission from White-Star. So we would need to get permission from the site administrator.

Except for Sunnyahn79, who explicitly did not give permission, all the E-Subbers have given de-facto permission, though it is not de-jure. The permission was given when they contributed to E-Sub SL on ViiKii for public release. The site administrator(s) would hold the authority to give permission to release the subs that are hosted on their site.

1 comment:

  1. i hope you guys get the permission... it sad when there are people big enough to share what they have to others but others are just illogically selfish... oh well, no matter what, permission or not, i give you guys kudos for even trying to share them subs to us the public... this drama is indeed a very exciting one!
