Monday, December 29, 2008

Episode 4 Softsub Fully Completed.

semi-fly has just completed QC/Edit for episode 4, and uploaded it to our common data-storage.

All four completed softsubs are in folder "Release Ready SL Soft-Subs".

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Making permanent segment position.

m3LL0: could we make the subbing assignments for each episode a "permanent" post so we won't have to navigate through the older posts?

I have no problem with this. Let start on episode 7, with assignments as follows.

1. starstruck
2. semi-fly
3. m3LLO
4. cathycasi21
5. Ahoxan
6. Ahoxan
7. Ahoxan

I put myself on the last 3 segments since I'm fairly fast, and I can be replaced on the segments if/when other subbers may want to join our team.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

1,2,3 Softsubs Fully Completed.

The first three softsubs have been completed and uploaded to our common data-storage.

Last minute changes have been made to make sure the credits are consistent. Terms such as "Noona", "Unni", "Hyung" are kept as they have no direct translation into English. Japanese honorific extensions such as "-san" or "-sama" are also kept. Korean honorific "-ssi" is changed to "Ms." or "Mr.". Names have been made consistent with those that appear on Drama-Wiki "Star's Lover" descriptions at:'s_Lover

Common data-storage is for team members to share our work.

Softsubs will not be released to the public before we obtain definitive permission from ViiKii.

SL 1 & 3 are now fully complete.

The E-Subs are done for episodes 1 and 3. They're both uploaded to our common data storage.

Obtaining Permission From ViiKii

I think we have to rethink our strategy for obtaining permission for releasing E-Sub softsubs.
There are many contributors on a rotating basis, so it would be extremely difficult to contact all of them for each segment as they're released on ViiKii.
It might be best, and simpler, to obtain permission from the site administrator and maybe the manager for the SL episodes. We already have permission from White-Star. So we would need to get permission from the site administrator.

Except for Sunnyahn79, who explicitly did not give permission, all the E-Subbers have given de-facto permission, though it is not de-jure. The permission was given when they contributed to E-Sub SL on ViiKii for public release. The site administrator(s) would hold the authority to give permission to release the subs that are hosted on their site.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Star's Lover Ep. 01 softsub fully complete.

Soft-sub for episode 1 fully complete and uploaded to our common data storage.  Let me know what you guys think about it.

Semi-Fly is QC'ing episode 2, and I'm starting QC of episode 3.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

SL 1,2,& 3 Timed. QC in process.

SL 1,2,& 3 Timed. QC in process.


We have the first 3 episodes almost complete except for QC.

Softsubs will be shared only among the team until permission for public release is given by all the ViiKii E-Subbers.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bad News - Permission Revoked

Bad news,

Sunnyahn79 replied back and they said they would not be ok with us doing soft subs... 

cathycasi21 @ SOOMPI

QC'ing SL-01 & SL-02

m3LL0 has uploaded the completed .srt for SL-01 & SL-02 to

I'm QC'ing SL-01 for the timing, and have asked semi-fly to QC SL-02.

Proposed Soft-sub Credit header.

Brought to you by SOOMPI "Star's Lover" Subbers
[ cathycasi21, m3LL0, Ahoxan, starstruck, semi-fly, White Star ]
Original on-line E-Subs by ViiKii's "Star's Lover" Subbing Team
[ shoko8, SakuraG, Sunnyahn79, viikii45, kwonfan, blabber90, missjules, dwasten90, namusaram, semifly ]

Completing and Releasing softsubs.

Try uploading completed soft-subs and soft-sub segments to our common data-site using the e-mail address I used. (i.e.
I'll concatenate all segments when they're all complete and have semi-fly do the QC.

We'll release them on our blog & "Star's Lover" SOOMPI thread. I'll also see about releasing them on D-Addict.

Common Data-Storage on Box.Net

Another thing... I tried to log onto the data-storage and couldn't get in until I used the email address.

ID: Ahoxan

Permission Text from ViiKii

Permission message by sakuraG from  ViiKii as given to cathycasi21

So long as you credit everybody who\'s working on the subs, it\'s fine by me. You should know you\'ll still need to fix a few things here and there because I try to leave the original translators\' names on the file as much as possible, so I ignore some punctuation, etc. at the end of lines. I generally don\'t change things unless there is more than one problem with a sentence. You might give us all a "team" name for the project, you know? My only restriction is that you not hardsub using these subs. Soft subs are the intellectual property of the subbers, so they can be given freely to any one we want, but the raw videos are the property of the producers, directors, tv stations, etc. who hold the rights to the videos. Have a happy Christmas, and if you figure out a way to extract the subs without having to retype them, let me know!

ViiKii Gave Permission For Softsubs.

Hey everyone!

Another update..hehe

I got a reply from sakuraG and they said that it was ok to use their subtitles just as long as we credit them with the subtitles and change as little as possible on the subtitles. Also, we can't make hard subs


From cathycasi21's post on SOOMPI's "Star's Lover" thread.

On-Line Data-Storage Work-Site

I'll see about setting up a place where all team members can access.

It'll hopefully be more convenient than uploading to a file-sharing site and sending links to everyone.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Team Member as blog authors.

Team members,


You guys can post here instead of just adding comments to my posts.  Just PM me on SOOMPI an e-mail address.  I'll use that to give you author privilege for this blog.

Waiting for permission from ViiKii.

So far... no word from cathycasi21 on her contacts with ViiKii about permission to use their E-Subs to create soft-subs.

Like some others, I had already started subbing for my personal use... so if we don't get permission for release, we can use whatever we create for our private enjoyment.  We don't have to pool our soft-sub segments until we get permission from ViiKii.

While waiting for permission, I plan on subbing the segments I mentioned. If we don't get permission from ViiKii for release, I'd like to exchange segments with other subbers for our personal use.

SL Subbing Assignments 01-06

SL Subbing Assignments:
Ep. 1 --- QC Ahoxan [completed]
[completed] - m3LL0
Ep. 2 --- QC Semi-Fly [completed]
[completed] - m3LL0

Ep. 3 --- QC Ahoxan [completed]
(semi-fly provided complete transcript on 12/23)

1. [completed] Ahoxan
2. [completed] starstruck
3. [completed] m3LL0
4. [completed] Ahoxan
5. [completed] starstruck
6. [completed] Ahoxan
7. [completed] Ahoxan
Ep. 4 --- QC Semi-Fly [completed]
1. [completed] cathycasi21
2. [completed] starstruck
3. [completed] m3LL0
4. [completed] Ahoxan
5. [completed] cathycasi21
6. [completed] starstruck
7. [completed] m3LL0
Ep. 5 --- QC Ahoxan
1. [completed] Ahoxan
2. [completed] cathycasi21
3. [completed] starstruck
4. [completed] m3LL0
5. [completed] Ahoxan
6. cathycasi21
7. [completed] starstruck
Ep. 6 --- QC Semi-Fly [completed]
1. [completed] m3LL0
2. [completed] Ahoxan
3. [completed] Ahoxan
4. [completed] starstruck
5. [completed] m3LL0
6. [completed] Ahoxan
7. [completed] Ahoxan

SL sub team

List of SL sub team I've compiled from posts.

cathycasi21 - initiator [team leader?]
m3LL0 - timer [1 & 2 done]
ahoxan - timer
starstruck - timer
semi-fly - QC - Transcripts.

White Star - ViiKii contact [uploader]

Star's Lovers

(White Star @ Nov 29 2008, 11:26 AM)  SOOMPI SL thread.