Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Star's Lover" Ep.03 Softsub Released.

Another softsub released.

Thanks to translation by icarus and spot translation by doggiexbunnie.

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Star's Lover" Softsubs Released.

Thanks to translations by icarus and spotchecks of those translations by doggiexbunnie, we have our first softsub release.

Release of only the first two softsubs at this point, but we already have the translations for the first 5 episodes. We hope everyone can enjoy the first two while we're working on the rest.

Please Enjoy.

Softsubs are synced to HQ 700MB Ental videos.
Vids are available for download at:

Alternative Links are to the same files... uploaded to Box.Net
We're sorry that MU is giving trouble to downloaders.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Special Thank You to doggiexbunnie.

icarus has completed translation of episode 01.

doggiexbunnie did the spot translations & linguistics QC.

Now all I have to do is get my lazy butt in gear so that we can have the first releaseable English Softsub.

Everyone, please give a big cheer for icarus and doggiexbunnie.

Friday, March 13, 2009

icarus has joined us as a Chinese translator.

A big cheer for icarus.

icarus has just joined us and is currently translating episode 01.

We should be able to publicly release the softsubs soon, thanks to his new translations.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bimbibap reply to translation request.

Morning Ahoxan,

We regret to say that we are unable to take on Star's Lover as the show has already ended & we're currently covering Family Honor & Cain and Abel. We wish your project the best of luck!

-- Anne & Jackie (http://bimbibap.com)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Requesting bimbibap translations.

I've just sent the following message to bimbibap admin. Hopefully, we can get their assistance in translations, so we can make a public release of the softsubs.

Would you please consider translating "Star's Lover".

We, SOOMPI Star's Lover subbing team, are almost done with subbing the drama.

We are unable to obtain permission from ViiKii to release the softsubs that have been based on their translations.

If we can use your translations, we can make a public release of the softsubs for everyone to enjoy "Star's Lover"


We welcome aida_ladida to the team.

aida_ladida has already done episode 18, and is in the process of finalizing the timing for the last 10 minutes of the sub.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Update on release of softsubs.

Update on release of softsubs.

WITHS2 has declined to take on SL re-translation, because three new projects are being added on in the near future.

I'm still leery of releasing softsubs based on ViiKii translations without their explicit consent/permission. I've just heard that the admin for ViiKii resides in Korea... That's not much help, but I hope to get more info on her and get in contact with her directly.

Meanwhile, the softsubs for the entire series will be completed and ready for release. Translators for this project would be joyfully received. I have the Chinese-Subbed files for any Chinese translators willing to join in.


I'll follow up on milagirl's suggestion and get in contact with bimbibap.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Star's Lover 12 & 13 Subtitles Done.

A few more completed subtitles and I'll start requesting help from some of the translators with an established Fansub group for help.

If I'm not too busy, we'll have another 2 or 3 softsubs completed in a week.