Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SL 20 done to meju's translation.

meju has suggested that we continue to release in consecutive order, so the softsub for episode 20 is only in the "Release Ready" folder for access by our team members.

I'm working on completing SL 4, and cathycasi21 is working on completing SL 5.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Legal Streaming on "Drama Fever"

I was hoping that "Star's Lover" could be legally streamed with our softsubs on "Drama Fever":

"Drama Fever" is a new streaming site that is completely legal, because they have acquired the rights to stream the dramas from the legal license holders. It's a new site, a great site, a site by K-Drama Addicts for K-Drama Addicts. They are only able to serve the US at this time. Hopefully, they'll be able to stream to the entire world in the future.

"Star's Fever" is not one of the dramas they have acquired the rights to stream at this time. I'm hopeful that they'll be able to acquire to right in the near future. :)

Please check out the site. English Subs for the dramas they stream are provided by WITHS2. This is the only streaming site to stream using WITHS2 subs with full knowledge and support of our beloved WITHS2 fansub group.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

meju just joined the team as Korean Translator

meju has just joined the team as our Korean Translator.

meju will be working backward from the finale, as time allows.

meju is a fellow WITHS2 subber I've been working with on WITHS2 projects, and is coincidentally a distant relative of the SL male lead, Yoo Ji Tae.

Please give a warm welcome to meju. :)